Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Big Question Relationship to Metamorphosis

The idea of an insect in Kafka’s Metamorphosis, relates to the idea how do we define ourselves in many attributes. When first introduced to the character, Gregor he is basically his family's sole breadwinner. Providing his family with a comfortable life doesn't define him as a selfish character, only a dreary one, since his family cares little for his well- being, except in a few instances where his sister demonstrated some kind affection. Along with this generalized chracteristics, Gregor is also introduced as man who has awoken, only to find out his is indeed, transformed into an insect.

It's mainly the sense of being an insect that defines Gregor. He only cares for the well-being of his family but in the process, overlooks his well-being and forgets to pay himself attention, not just his family. Economic reality over-shadows Gregor in the demanding process of determining what he is becoming. Another insight into the definition of his character appears when a clerk from his comes to demand an explanation for his absence. This depicts the tremendous burden Gregor carries.

Overall, Gregor defines himself as a man (insect) struggling between the paradox of living for his family and living for himself.

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