Sunday, November 23, 2008

A film that relates to my big question

One of my favorite films is Marie Antoinette, it may not always be historically accurate but you get the gist. The film is definitely a journey for her and how she adjusts to new life at Versailles, and of course, how she defines herself. Antoinette was a bride at sixteen, so she had to adjust to restrictive court life at an early age. Basically, her whole life became one big schedule; she was never able to be a teenager. She had to make the leap from child to adult very quickly. This was the catalyst for Antoinette’s lavish lifestyle. After she was established as queen, her rebellion was spending on pretty much anything she desired and fueling her inventive temperament. When the U.S rebelled against England, they allied with France, who sent money to aid in funding. To the people of France, she had defined herself as a cold, bitter queen who cared little for the suffering her people had to endure, since taxes had been raised sharply. In reality, she did care for her people, she was just too isolated to really understand the impact the French people were going through. Ultimately, she defined herself as a young child wanting to simply be able to do what she wished, instead of having such a restrictive life.

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